Vision and Values
‘We aspire to be our best selves. We are founders of our own story!’
Our Vision:
The school’s vision was formulated with a working party of teachers, teaching assistants, office staff, governors and parents whilst the school undertook a values and vision training day on 3rd January 2023.
We are Messingham Primary School. Today, we are nurturing the global citizens of tomorrow. We
passionately believe in equipping our children with the emotional intelligence, maturity and attitudes to
succeed. We have a firm belief that we can make a positive difference in our ever-changing world. We
champion the potential in everyone and each other. Strong relationships are the roots of our success and
high expectations are upheld above everything else. We aspire to be the best version of ourselves.
Values Based Education underpins our school ethos. Great focus is placed on developing well-rounded
individuals who are empathetic, reflective, kind and respectful. Our children thrive in a calm, caring and
happy environment where academic excellence is at the forefront. We provide our children with rich and
varied experiences. Active Learning is a key aspect of our identity, where healthy competition, teamwork,
pride and resilience are encouraged. Through the curriculum and support within our community, children
develop the confidence to become founders of their own stories.
Our motto is ‘Working together to grow our own story’

Values based Education at Messingham:
At Messingham Primary School, we strive to be the best versions of ourselves each and every day. We are a Values based Education school which means not only do we work hard academically, we are passionate about becoming well-rounded, kind and understanding young people who will have positive impacts around school, within the community and in the wider world. The staff and children at Messingham Primary School all work hard on developing our understanding of the values and try to show these in all we do. This could be in everyday tasks, no matter a tiny gesture or a conscious act of kindness, to show that we are considering others as well as working on improving ourselves. Each month, we have a value of the month that we learn about through lessons, assemblies and home school challenges.
Throughout the school year, each class has an opportunity to invite our grown-ups from home into school to share and celebrate our values through group activities, games, coffee and cake! We love events like this where we can share our school life with our families!
We have three Year 6 Values Ambassadors in school who support with Values based Education whilst also working to support charities and our local community. We also work closely with our Wellbeing Governor, Mrs Remond to ensure Values are working effectively and all of us here at Messingham feel valued in all that we do.
What our children say about our values :
“I think kindness is the most important value because if we didn’t have kindness, the world would be a sadder place.” Poppy (Year 2)
“Equality is needed because it makes sure everybody is happy and that we are all treated the same no matter what. If it is not equal people will feel upset and left out but we are all important!” Artie, Year 2
“Values are important at Messingham because they help us to all get along with each other, to remember not to give up and to keep being our best even when things are sometimes really tricky.” Lake, Year 2
Respecting people is all about being kind, helpful and treating everybody how you would want to be treated to make sure things aren’t hard for other people. I think this is important because if we didn’t have respect, people’s feelings would get hurt. Dom, Year 2
“We need honesty in the world because if we were not honest, you would not be able to rely on people which would make feel really lonely.” Freya (Year 6)
“Togetherness is important because you need togetherness in all areas of life such as school, work, sports, home and with your friends.” Charlotte (Year 6)
Equality is needed because if we did not have equality, people would feel bad about themselves if they weren’t treated fairly.
Yasmin (Values Ambassador, Year 6)
Values are important at Messingham because they teach us things like respecting other people, to work as a community and to accept everybody how they are. This helps us to work together and be the best that we can be, being ourselves whilst supporting other people too. Teddy R (Values Ambassador, Year 6)
I like being a Values Ambassador because it means I can help others at events like parents evening and also help the younger children learn the values which are important to us at Messingham Primary School. Jacob (Values Ambassador, Year 6)