


Homework at Messingham Primary School



After feedback from parents, children and staff, we have created a manageable homework system that is aimed at helping pupils develop core skills in English and maths.


We ask all pupils to read with an adult at least three times a week. In the case of very fluent readers, this could involve spending time talking about what’s happened in their book, who the characters are and their emotions as well as discussing vocabulary and unfamiliar words.

Children in KS1 have a reading diary which needs to be signed after each read at home.

Children in Y2-Y6 can also access Accelerated Reader in order to complete a quiz once they’ve finished reading their book.

The link to access their quizzes is: https://ukhosted103.renlearn.co.uk/6711549/default.aspx

We do ask that the children do not receive help if they are completing a quiz at home as it is vital that their class teacher has a true reflection of the child’s understanding of the text they’ve read.


Your child’s weekly spelling assignments can be found by clicking on the year group document below. Please ensure your child practises their spellings at least 3 times a week before they are tested on them the following Monday

Times Tables

Your child will be allocated a times table assignment each week on Times Table Rock Stars. It is really important that they are able to recall times table facts quickly and confidently; therefore, we ask that your child accesses TTRS at least two times a week. Each child has been given a username and login for their account.

To access TTRS, please click on the link: https://ttrockstars.com/ 

Google Classroom