PSHCE at Messingham

At Messingham Primary School we recognise the importance of a high quality PSHCE curriculum that is taught both explicitly in lessons and through a wide variety of experiences.

Our intent:

At Messingham, PSHCE is underpinned by our philosophical values education approach and is non-statutory (with the exception of RSE), but we consider it to be important for our children to grow and learn. The school follows the North Lincolnshire approved Spiral Curriculum looking at seven key areas to be covered from Year R to Year 6 – these include:

  • Mental Health / Resilience
  • Relationships & Sex Education
  • Drug Alcohol & Tobacco
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Safety & managing risk
  • Careers & economic wellbeing
  • Identity, society, equality
  • Citizenship (including British values/global citizenship)


How we implement this:

In the early years the elements of PSHCE are threaded through PSED and are ongoing through other areas of the curriculum.

There is an expectation that specific PSHCE lessons are taught the equivalent once per fortnight over the course of a term. Additional learning opportunities are seen in assemblies, values lessons, and cross-curricular approaches in other subject areas. Circle times to discuss key issues if and when they within individual peer groups, classes or key stages as appropriate.


We also have an external provider Big Talk’ who are booked annually to attend school and address the statutory areas of Sex and Relationship Education in addition to teacher led lessons.

Messingham Primary School is also a ‘values’ school where these is a value of the month for children to explore.  Children also have access to a wide range of other opportunities such as becoming house captains, sports leaders, librarians, delivering assemblies, a Year 6 buddy system, values ambassadors, head boy/girl.  There is also a pastoral team that support children and families through intervention, Early Help for social and emotional health.

The impact:


Using assessment of the seven areas listed above, we expect to see greater knowledge and understanding from our children. We expect them to be able to apply aspects of this knowledge both in and out of school such as 

  • Being equipped with personal skills that will support their development, decision making and growth as an individual
  • Become a responsible global citizen with an understanding of their role in the community
  • Recognise prejudice and have confidence to speak out against injustice


PSHE Charter