SEND at Messingham
At Messingham Primary School, our intention for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) is to ensure that all children receive a high-quality and inclusive education regardless of need or disability with a focus on self-esteem and celebrating small steps of progress.
Our intent:
We believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the resources needed to become independent and challenged learners both in and out of the classroom. Through our quality first teaching provision we:
- Identify needs early to ensure that opportunities to learn and be part of the school community are maximised.
- Ensure that all children can actively participate in a broad curriculum with high ambition in all areas.
- Provide an individual learning environment which specifically meet the needs of individual pupils.
- Develop children’s independence and self-esteem to ensure they are safe and happy.
- Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND, using (thus creating) a person-centred approach.
- Provide good quality, and relevant training for all staff members including support staff.
- Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to ensure consistency of approach and to tap into the latest research and support mechanisms.
How we implement this:
At Messingham Primary, every child is treated as an individual with specific needs within an inclusive environment. As such, enhanced and tailored learning is incorporated in every aspect of school life supported by senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and ultimately, the child. At Messingham Primary, pupils with SEND will:
- Be included in all aspects of the school community and the opportunities it affords.
- Be respected and their contributions valued and steps of progress acknowledged.
At Messingham Primary, pupils with SEND may:
- Have specific 1:1 or small group intervention to support their Phonics, Maths or Literacy learning. This may be an alternative provision to enhance self-esteem.
- Take part in social and emotional support interventions such as Drawing & Talking, mindfulness and sand therapy, with a fully trained member of staff.
- Have additional support from our Child and Family Support worker through the Early Help system.
- Receive additional support with their speech and language development from a specialist teaching assistant in conjunction with SALT.
- Take part in tailored OT sessions further to assessment* inc. the Madeleine Portwood OT support package. *Assessment is carried out by trained support staff to assess whether or not support can be provided in-school or a referral is needed.
Work alongside external agencies such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, ASET, Behaviour Support to develop specific targets/programmes tailored to the child’s individual needs.
Visual aids for learning Inc. number stack/practical resources
Scaffold using pictorial representation and key mathematical language
Modelling to the children (WAGOLL)
Small steps tracker plus maths tracker
Small group work and pupil conference
Same objective but supported via staff or differentiated task to meet objective without differentiation
Support for global development delays via the Den – same lesson/tweaked
Maths Mastery – small steps broken down, using bespoke long term plan for each year group
Word mats to support use of unfamiliar vocabulary
Use of SIRI to support spellings with children with SEN
Little Wandle interventions for all children regardless of key stage
Visual stress overlays for reading support
Scaffolding, writing frames and scribing to illustrate learning
Pencil grips and OT support
Interventions for reading/writing
Foundation Subjects:
Support practical learning through experiences, school visits and resources
Support reading and writing through differentiation and scaffolding/writing frames
Offers visual stimuli to replace text only learning
Using appropriate assessment points so that practical success is acknowledged.
The impact:
As a result: Children at Messingham Primary feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
Behaviour at Messingham Primary is outstanding and diversity is acknowledged by the whole school community and embraced. Children demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities, developing their speaking, listening and social skills. Children with SEND make good progress at Messingham Primary from their starting points due to the use of resources and small group intervention which meets the needs of the pupils. On leaving Messingham Primary, children with SEND have developed excellent life skills and have a high sense of self-esteem that will enable them to believe they can continue in education successfully.
Examples of this can be found in data submissions as well as children’s books and separate scrapbooks which are held with the class teacher in order to support progress.
The fundamentals
- Celebrate small steps of success with a focus on high self-esteem
- Person-centred approach fully incorporated so that parents, children, external agencies and the school can work as one team to succeed
- Have high ambition for all children – in all aspects of the curriculum and wider school life
- Promote continuous and directed CPD for all staff to enable a whole-school approach to supporting SEND children
- Early identification of needs to ensure gaps are addressed or external support is requested in a timely manner
- Provide children with a bespoke experience including access to alternative provision within the school
For any queries regarding SEND at Messingham Primary School please contact Mrs Tutty our school’s SENDCo.